台南市民有市場零售攤販職業工會 , 由陳宜安等人發起籌組, 於96年7月9日正式向勞工局提出申請, 同月收到勞工局准予籌備函, 隨即申請於96年7月20日召開發起人暨第一次籌備會, 並公推陳宜安. 董書佑..陳訪真.等為籌備委員,7月23日召開第二次籌備會完成初步審核,並於96年8月11日,召開成立大會暨第一屆第一次會員大會,審議章程草案,完成各理事監事以及常務理事之選舉, 正式順利成立的本工會。
Tainan Private Retail Vendors' Association was launched by Yi-An Chen, et. al. who filed application with the Labor Bureau on July 9th, 2007 and got the permission to start preparatory work in the same month. The first preparatory meeting was held on July 20th, 2007 and Yi-An Chen, Shu-Yo Tung, Fan-jen Chen, etc. were appointed as preparatory committee members. The second preparatory meeting was held on July 23rd, 2007 to complete the initial evaluation and the founding convention, as well as the first members' convention, was held on August 11, 2007, in which the drafts of committee regulations and programs were evaluated, supervisors and standing committee members were also elected. The association has since been established.